
ქვემოთ მოცემულია ჩვენი ოფისის პარტნიორების მიერ გამოქვეყნებული კვლევითი ნაშრომების შერჩეული ბიბლიოგრაფია.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2025 forthcoming). The Monument to Fallen Diplomats. In Davidson, T. & Dean, D. (Eds.) Monumental Memories: A Critical Reading of Memorials, Monuments, and Statues in Canada’s Capital Region. McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Collective Domain (In press, 2024). Build It and They Will Come. In Gurgenidze, T. (Ed.) Tbilisi Architecture Biennial 2020 Catalogue.

Harris-Brandts, S., Gogishvili, D., & Sichinava, D.  (2024). #SpendYourSummerInGeorgia: Popular Geopolitics and Tourism Marketing in Georgia-Russian Relations, Social and Cultural Geography, 1-19.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2024). Heritage Diplomacy, Neo-Ottomanism, and a Local Quest for a New Place of Worship: The Politics of Mosque Building in Batumi, Georgia. Fabrications, 34(2). Special issue: What is “shared”? Architectural Heritage in Conflict, (Guest Editors: Savia Palate and Panayiota Pyla), 1-22.

Harris-Brandts, S., & Sichinava, D. (2024). Re-conceptualizing the social, environmental, and political hazards associated with displacement in the Republic of Georgia. In Gaillard, J.C., Rodriguez Alarcón, M., Ocampo Go, C. (Eds.) Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Natural Hazard Science: On Cultural Perspectives. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2024). Rapid Response Housing for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Ukraine. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 30(1). Special issue: The Reverberating Effects of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, 44-51.

Harris-Brandts, S., Nikolko, M., Sahadeo, J. & Sichinava, D.  (2024). Local Impacts, Global Consequences: Assessing the Mass Displacement and Migration Tied to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 30(1). Special issue: The Reverberating Effects of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, 1-10.

Harris-Brandts, S. & Goci, E. (2023). Formalising Tirana. OnSite Review, 43 (Architecture + Time), 32-37.

Gogishvili, D. (2024). Competing for space in Tbilisi: transforming residential courtyards to parking in an increasingly car-dependent city. Eurasian Geography and Economics65(3), 371-397.

Gogishvili, D. (2024). Gldani: From ambitious experimental project to half-realised Soviet mass-housing district in Tbilisi, Georgia. In Mariotti, J. & Leetmaa, K. (Eds.) Urban Planning During Socialism: Views from the periphery. London: Routledge,191-205.

Gogishvili, D. (2023). Mega-Event on the Streets: The Formula 1 Grand Prix in Baku, Azerbaijan. In Mariotti, J. & Leetmaa, K. (Eds.) The History and Politics of Motor Racing: Lives in the Fast Lane. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 665-690.

Müller, M., Gogishvili, D, Wolfe, S.D. (2022). The structural deficit of the Olympics and the World Cup: Comparing costs against revenues over time. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 54(6): 1200-1218.

Müller, M., Gogishvili, D, Wolfe, S.D, Gaffney, C., Hug, M., Leick, A. (2022). Peak Event: The rise and potential decline of the Olympic Games and the World Cup. Tourism Management. 95: 1-32.

C. Trivin, D. Gogishvili. (2022). Listening to Buildings: exploring the LucerneCulture and Congress Centre through sound. GeoAgenda. (2): 18-22.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2022). The ‘White Palace’ Party Headquarters: Architecture, Urban Design, and Power in North Macedonia. In Koch, N. (Ed.) Spatializing Authoritarianism. 86-112. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

Gogishvili, D., & Harris-Brandts, S. (2022). The Urban Impacts of Second-tier Mega-Events in the Global East: The European Youth Olympic Festival in the South Caucasus. In Bignami, F., & Cuppini, N. (Eds.) Mega-Events, Urban Transformations and Social Citizenship: A Multi-Disciplinary Analysis for Epistemological Foresight. 94-113. London, UK: Routledge.

Harris-Brandts, S., & Sichinava, D. (2021). The Politics of Urban Recovery in a Soviet-era Resort Town: Heritage Tourism and Displaced Communities in Tskaltubo, Georgia. In Al-Harithy, H. (Ed.) Urban Recovery: Intersecting Displacement with Post War Reconstruction. 271-294. London: Routledge.

Müller, M., & Gogishvili, D. (2022). What makes an event a mega-event? Definitions and sizes. In Hanakata, N., Bignami, F. Cuppini, N. (Eds). Mega events, urban transformations and social citizenship: a multi-disciplinary analysis for an epistemological foresight. 10-26.
London, UK: Routledge.

Gogishvili, D. (2021). Urban infrastructure in the framework of mega-event exceptionalism: Glasgow and the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Urban Geography, Taylor & Francis.

Sichinava, D. (2021). A view of the pandemic from the city of balconies. In Gurgenidze, T. (Ed.). Eastern Block Stories: Visualising Housing Estates from Post-Socialist Cities. 134-140. DOM Publishers.

Gogishvili, D. (2021). Competing for space in Tbilisi: transforming residential courtyards to parking in an increasingly car-dependent city. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 1-27.

Gogishvili, D., & Harris-Brandts, S. (2021). Projecting the Future: Novel Technologies of Spectacle in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. GeoAgenda, Association Suisse de Géographie, 8-13.

Harris-Brandts, S., & Sichinava, D. (2021). Architecture and friendship among nations: the shifting politics of cultural diplomacy in Tbilisi, Georgia. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 27 (12). Taylor & Francis, 1213-1229.

Harris-Brandts, S., & Polese, A. (2021). Between Sotsgorod and Bazaar: Urbanization Dynamics in Central Asia. In Van den Bosch, J. Fauve, A. & De Cordier, B. (Eds.), European Handbook of Central Asian Studies: History, Politics and Societies. 887-922. Hanover, Germany: Ibidem-Verlag.

Müller, M., Wolfe, S.D., Gogishvili, D, Gaffney, C., Hug, M., Leick, A. (2021). The Mega-Events Database: Systematising the Evidence on Mega-Event Outcomes. Leisure Studies. 41(3): 437-445

Müller, M., Wolfe, S.D, Gaffney, C., Gogishvili, D., Hugh, M., Leick, A. (2021). How (un)sustainable are the Olympic Games?. Nature Sustainability. 4: 340–348.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2020). Designing Activism - Interview. In Galt Publication, Issue 3, Burning, 87-90. University of Waterloo.

Rekhviashvili, L., Sichinava, D., & Berikishvili, E. (2020). Urban protest movements in Tbilisi: movements are strong, but big capital is stronger. In Dariyeva, T., & Neugebauer, C.S. (Eds.), Urban Activism in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. DOM Publishers.

Sichinava, D. (2020). Elections, Political Parties and Social Change in Georgia (2003-2016). In Jones, S.F., & MacFarlane, N. (Eds.), Georgia: From Autocracy to Democracy. University of Toronto Press.

Wolfe, S.D, Gogishvili, D., Chapplet, J.L., Müller, M. (2020). The urban and economic impacts of megaevents: Mechanisms of change in global games. Sport in Society. 25(10): 2079-2087

Harris-Brandts, S. (2020). [Book Review] Iconic Planned Communities and the Challenge of Change. Corbin Sies, M., Gournay, I, and Freestone, R. (Eds.). University of Pennsylvania Press. Journal of Historical Geography.

Harris-Brandts, S., & Gogishvili, D. (2020). Lofty Ideals in Aerial Connectivity: Ideology in the Urban Cable Car Network of Tbilisi, Georgia. Eurasian Geography & Economics, Special Issue: Moving post-Soviet publics: citizens, spaces and practices. (Eds.) Sgibnev, V. & Tuvikene, T. Taylor & Francis, 1-18.

Trubina, E., Gogishvili, D., Imhof, N., & Müller, M. (2020). A part of the world or apart from the world? The postsocialist Global East in the geopolitics of knowledge. Eurasian Geography and Economics. 61(6): 636-662.

Sichinava, D. (2020). Cleavages, Electoral Geography, and the Territorialization of Political Parties in the Republic of Georgia. In O’Loughlin, J. & Clem, R. S. (Eds.), Political Geographies of the Post-Soviet Union. Routledge.

Gogishvili, D. (2020). [Book Review] City of the future: built space, modernity and urban change in Astana. Mateusz Laszczkowski. Berghahn Books. Eurasian Geography & Economics.

Gogishvili, D., & Harris-Brandts, S. (2019). Coinciding practices of exception in urban development: mega-events and special economic zones in Tbilisi, Georgia. European Planning Studies, 1999-2019.

Salukvadze, J. & Sichinava, D., (2019). Changing Times, Persistent Inequalities? Patterns of Housing Infrastructure Development in the South Caucasus. In Tuvikene, T., Neugebauer, C. S. & Sgibnev, W. (Eds.), Post-Socialist Urban Infrastructures. Routledge.

Gogishvili, D., & Harris-Brandts, S. (2019). The social and spatial insularity of internally displaced persons: “Neighborhood effects” in Georgia’s collective centres. Caucasus Survey7(2), 134-156.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2019). Revisiting State Spectacle Through the New Capitals of Asia [Author-Critic Forum for: The Geopolitics of Spectacle: Space, Synecdoche, and the New Capitals of Asia by N. Koch]. Central Asian Affairs. Vol. 6, No. 6.4.

Pasquinelli, C., Koukoufikis, G., & Gogishvili, D. (2019). Beyond eventification: capacity building in post-disaster temporariness. Journal of Place Management and Development.

Harris-Brandts, S., & Gogishvili, D. (2018). Architectural rumors: unrealized megaprojects in Baku, Azerbaijan and their politico-economic uses. Eurasian Geography and Economics59(1), 73-97.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2018). Building Vacancies: Tourism and Empty Real Estate in Batumi. Urbanistica Tre Journal, 15, Special Issue: Cities of the South Caucasus. Roma Tre Press, 45-56.

Berikishvili, E., & Sichinava, D. (2018). Transformation of Urban Protests in Tbilisi: From Spontaneous Activism to Social Movements. In Neuburg, K., Pranz S., Tseretelli, W., et al. (Eds.), Tbilisi: Archive of Transition. Niggli Verlag Publishers. Salenstein, Switzerland.

Harris-Brandts, S., & Gogishvili, D. (2018). Up in the Air: Traces of Aerial Connectivity in Tbilisi. In Neuburg, K., Pranz,, S., Tseretelli, W., et al. (eds.), Tbilisi: Archive of Transition. 94-102. Niggli Verlag Publishers. Salenstein, Switzerland.

Gogishvili, D. (2018). Baku formula 1 city circuit: exploring the temporary spaces of exception. Cities74, 169-178.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2018). The Role of Architecture in the Republic of Georgia’s European Aspirations. Nationalities Papers. 46 (6), Taylor & Francis, 1118-1135.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2018). Could UNESCO World Heritage Status Help Refugee Camps? How to handle ‘refugee heritage’ from an architectural perspective. Frieze, November/December 2018, Special Issue on Decolonizing Culture. Frieze Publishing.

Sichinava, D. (2018, March 5). Polarisation in Georgia’s Media Landscape. OC Media.

Gogishvili, D., & Coppola, A. (2018). Researching Georgian Cities: Structural Changes, Emerging Issues and Promising Paths of Enquiry. iQuaderni di U3. 15: 5-15

Sichinava, D. (2017). Cleavages, Electoral Geography and the Territorialization of Political Parties in the Republic of Georgia. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 58 (6). 670-690.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2017). ‘Europe Started Here’: Nation Building and Myth Production in the Republic of Georgia, Thresholds Journal. 45: Myth, MIT Press, 124-135.

Sichinava, D. (2017, October 18). Will an Independent Mayoral Candidate Bring Political Change to Georgia? New Eastern Europe.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2017). Georgia and the South Caucasus. In S. Piesik (Ed.), HABITAT: Vernacular Architecture for a Changing Planet. London, UK: Thames & Hudson.

Harris-Brandts, S. (2016). Decentralize, Desecularize, and Deregulate! The transformation of Kutaisi, Georgia. In MONU Journal, 25 Independent Urbanism, 86-91. Bruil & van de Staaij.

Sichinava, D. (2015). Cleavage Theory and the Electoral Geographies of Georgia. In Nodia, G. & C. Stefes (Eds.), Security, Democracy and Development in the Southern Caucasus and the Black Sea Region, Interdisciplinary Studies on Central and Eastern Europe, Vol. 14, 27-44. Bern: Peter Lang.

Salukvadze, J.,Sichinava, D., & Gogishvili, D. (2015). Socio-economic and Spatial Factors of Alienation and Segregation of Internally Displaced Persons in the Cities of Georgia. Spatial Inequality and Cohesion: Studia Regionalia, 38, 45–60.

Sichinava, D. (2015). Housing Inequalities in the South Caucasus - Cases of Yerevan and Tbilisi. Presented at the 6th International Urban Geographies of Post-Communist States Conference (CAT), Prague, Czechia.

Gilbreath, D., & Sichinava, D. (2015). NGOs and the Georgian Public: Why Communication Matters. Caucasus Analytical Digest, 73.

Gentile, M., Salukvadze, J., & Gogishvili, D. (2015). Newbuild gentrification, teleurbanization and urban growth: placing the cities of the post-Communist South in the gentrification debate. Geografie120(2), 134-163.

Gogishvili, D. (2015). Urban dimensions of internal displacement in Georgia: The Phenomenon and the Emerging Housing Policy. Available at SSRN 2591291.

Salukvadze, J., Gachechiladze, R., Gogishvili, D., Sichinava, D., Javashvili, A., Tugushi, K., & Bregvadze, M. (2013). Coping with marginality and exclusion: can refugees communities successfully integrate into mainstream urban societies in Georgia. Tbilisi, Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Social & Political Studies.