
David Gogishvili

Partner |  PhD


David Gogishvili is co-founder of Collective Domain and SNF-Senior-Researcher at the University of Lausanne’s Institute of Geography and Sustainability’s Urban Studies Group. Previously, he was a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Urban Studies at Malmö University, Sweden. He received his doctoral degree in Urban Studies and Regional Science at Italy’s Gran Sasso Science Institute in 2017. He also holds Master’s Degrees in Human Geography (Tbilisi State University) and Urban and Regional Planning (Stockholm University). Outside academia, David has been involved in various NGOs and urban social movements working on open data initiatives, open source geographic information, and issues related to urban development across the South Caucasus. He is a founder of the Soviet Past Research Laboratory and Iare Pekhit (Walk), both based in Georgia.


Harris-Brandts, S., Gogishvili, D., & Sichinava, D.  (In-progress manuscript). Socio-Spatial Georgia: The Politics of Urban Development in Batumi and Tbilisi.

Gogishvili, D., & Müller, M. (2024). Culture goes East: Mapping the shifting geographies of urban cultural capital through major cultural buildings. Urban Studies. Advance online publication.

Harris-Brandts, S., Gogishvili, D., & Sichinava, D. (2024). #SpendYourSummerInGeorgia: Popular geopolitics, grassroots activism and tourism marketing against Russia. Social & Cultural Geography, 25(10), 2079–2145. 

Konstantopoulos, I., Brodmann, L., Caneppele, S., Gogishvili, D., Lang, M., Müller, M., Rajagopal, S., & Schoch, L. (2024). The development of a model and framework for assessing sustainability performance in major sports events: A Delphi study. SSRN

Lang, M., Gogishvili, D., & Müller, M. (2024). What makes mega-events profitable? Determinants of revenues and costs of the Olympic Games and the Football World Cup. SSRN

Silvestre, G., Gogishvili, D., Wolfe, S. D., & Müller, M. (2024). Have the Olympics outgrown cities? A longitudinal comparative analysis of the growth and planning of the Olympics and former host cities. Planning Perspectives, 39(3), 615–636. 

Wolfe, S. D., Gogishvili, D., & Müller, M. (2024). Mega-events and triple-baseline (un)sustainability. In H. A. Solberg, R. K. Storm, & K. Swart (Eds.), Research Handbook on Major Sporting Events (pp. 399–414). Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Gogishvili, D. (2024). Competing for space in Tbilisi: Transforming residential courtyards to parking in an increasingly car-dependent city. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 65(3), 371–397.

Gogishvili, D. (2023). Gldani: From ambitious experimental project to half-realised Soviet mass-housing district in Tbilisi, Georgia. In J. Mariotti & K. Leetmaa (Eds.), Urban planning during socialism: Views from the periphery (1ª ed., pp. 399–414). Routledge. 

Gogishvili, D. (2023). Mega-event on the streets: The Formula 1 Grand Prix in Baku, Azerbaijan. In D. Sturm, S. Wagg, & D. L. Andrews (Eds.), The history and politics of motor racing (pp. 665–690). Palgrave Macmillan. 

Müller, M., Gogishvili, D., Wolfe, S. D., Gaffney, C., Hug, M., & Leick, A. (2023). Peak event: The rise, crisis, and potential decline of the Olympic Games and the World Cup. Tourism Management, 95, 104657. 

Gogishvili, D., & Harris-Brandts, S. (2023). Urban impacts of second-tier mega-events in the Global East: The European Youth Olympic Festival in Tbilisi and Baku. In N. C. Hanakata, F. Bignami, & N. Cuppini (Eds.), Mega events, urban transformations and social citizenship: A multi-disciplinary analysis for an epistemological foresight (1st ed., pp. 123–137). Routledge. 

Gogishvili, D. (2022). Georgia: From autocracy to democracy [Review of the book Georgia: From autocracy to democracy, edited by S. F. Jones & N. MacFarlane]. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 65(1), 137–140. 

Wolfe, S. D., Gogishvili, D., Chappelet, J.-L., & Müller, M. (Eds.). (2022). Special section: Mega-events as urban interventions. Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics, 25(10), 2079–2145.

Müller, M., Gogishvili, D., & Wolfe, S. D. (2022). The structural deficit of the Olympics and the World Cup: Comparing costs against revenues over time. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space, 54(6), 1200–1218. 

Wolfe, S. D., Gogishvili, D., Chappelet, J. L., & Müller, M. (2021). The urban and economic impacts of mega-events: Mechanisms of change in global games. Sport in Society, 25(10), 2079–2087. 

Müller, M., Wolfe, S. D., Gogishvili, D., Gaffney, C., Hug, M., & Leick, A. (2021). The mega-events database: Systematising the evidence on mega-event outcomes. Leisure Studies, 41(3), 437–445. 

Müller, M., Wolfe, S. D., Gogishvili, D., Gaffney, C., Hug, M., & Leick, A. (2021). Peak event: The rise, crisis and decline of large events. SSRN Electronic Journal

Müller, M., Wolfe, S. D., Gaffney, C., & others. (2021). An evaluation of the sustainability of the Olympic Games. Nature Sustainability, 4(4), 340–348.

Gogishvili, D. (2021). Urban infrastructure in the framework of mega-event exceptionalism: Glasgow and the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Urban Geography, 43(4), 589–612. 

Gogishvili, D. (2020). City of the future: Built space, modernity and urban change in Astana. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 62(4), 524–527.

Trubina, E., Gogishvili, D., Imhof, N., & Müller, M. (2020). A part of the world or apart from the world? The postsocialist Global East in the geopolitics of knowledge. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 61(6), 636–662. 

Harris-Brandts, S., & Gogishvili, D. (2020). Lofty ideals in aerial connectivity: Ideology in the urban cable car network of Tbilisi, Georgia. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 65(3), 289–319.  

Gogishvili, D., & Harris-Brandts, S. (2019). Coinciding practices of exception in urban development: Mega-events and special economic zones in Tbilisi, Georgia. European Planning Studies, 28(10), 1999–2019.

Gogishvili, D., & Harris-Brandts, S. (2019). The social and spatial insularity of internally displaced persons: “Neighbourhood effects” in Georgia’s collective centres. Caucasus Survey, 7(2), 134–156. 

Pasquinelli, C., Koukoufikis, G., & Gogishvili, D. (2019). Beyond eventification: Capacity building in post-disaster temporariness. Journal of Place Management and Development, 12(1), 88–101. 

Gogishvili, D. (2018). Baku Formula 1 city circuit: Exploring the temporary spaces of exception. Cities, 74, 169–178.

Harris-Brandts, S., & Gogishvili, D. (2018). Architectural rumors: Unrealized megaprojects in Baku, Azerbaijan and their politico-economic uses. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 59(1), 73–97.

Koukoufikis, G., Pasquinelli, C., & Gogishvili, D. (2018). Cultural events as temporary platforms of urban revitalisation. In A. Coppola, C. Fontana, & V. Gingardi (Eds.), Envisaging L’Aquila: Strategies, spatialities and sociabilities of a recovering city (pp. 129–140). Trento, Italy: Professional Dreamers. ISBN 978-88-908130-8-5.

Gogishvili, D., & Coppola, A. (2018). Researching Georgian cities: Structural changes, emerging issues and promising paths of enquiry. In D. Gogishvili & A. Coppola (Eds.), Cities of the South Caucasus: A view from Georgia: QU3 – iQuaderni di U3, VI, 15 (pp. 5–17).

Gogishvili, D. (2018). Mega-Events und urbane Enklaven: Wie die Stadtentwicklung privatisiert wird. In L. Nakhutsrishvili & Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung (Eds.), Georgien, neu buchstabiert: Politik und Kultur eines Landes auf dem Weg nach Europa (pp. 123–136). Bielefeld, Germany: Transcript Verlag.

Harris-Brandts, S., & Gogishvili, D. (2018). Up in the air: Traces of aerial connectivity in Tbilisi. In K. Neuburg, S. Pranz, A. Soselia, W. Tsereteli, J. Vogler, & F. Weiss (Eds.), Tbilisi – Archive of Transition (pp. 123–130). Niggli Verlag. ISBN 978-3-7212-0983-9.

Ahern, J., Gogishvili, D., & Kizildere, D. (2015). The international Ph.D. experience in urban studies in Italy. Italian Journal of Planning Practice, 5(1), 86–110.

Gentile, M., Salukvadze, J., & Gogishvili, D. (2015). Newbuild gentrification, tele-urbanization and urban growth: Placing the cities of the post-Communist South in the gentrification debate. Geografie, 120(2), 134–163.

Salukvadze, J., Sichinava, D., & Gogishvili, D. (2015). Socio-economic and spatial factors of alienation and segregation of internally displaced persons in the cities of Georgia. Studia Regionalia, 38, 45–60.