Housing and Neighborhood Inclusion
Issues of housing and neighborhood inclusion are intimately connected to those of design.
Our work on housing and neighborhood inclusion includes the following:
Full list of research
Gogishvili, D. (2024). Gldani: From ambitious experimental project to half-realised Soviet mass-housing district in Tbilisi, Georgia. In Mariotti, J. & Leetmaa, K. (Eds.) Urban Planning During Socialism: Views from the periphery. London: Routledge, 191-205.
Gogishvili, D. (2024). Competing for space in Tbilisi: transforming residential courtyards to parking in an increasingly car-dependent city. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 65(3), 371-397.
Harris-Brandts, S. & Goci, E. (2023). Formalising Tirana. OnSite Review, 43 (Architecture + Time), 32-37.
Harris-Brandts, S., & Sichinava, D. (2022). The Politics of Urban Recovery in a Stalinist-era Resort Town: Heritage Tourism and Displaced Communities in Tskaltubo, Georgia. In Al-Harithy, H. (Ed.), Urban Recovery: Intersecting Displacement with Post War Reconstruction. Routledge.
Sichinava, D. (2021). A view of the pandemic from the city of balconies. In Gurgenidze, T. (Ed.). Eastern Block Stories: Visualising Housing Estates from Post-Socialist Cities. 134-140. DOM Publishers.
Gogishvili, D. (2021). Competing for space in Tbilisi: transforming residential courtyards to parking in an increasingly car-dependent city. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 1-27.
Harris-Brandts, S. (2020). [Book Review] Iconic Planned Communities and the Challenge of Change. Corbin Sies, M., Gournay, I, and Freestone, R. (Eds.). University of Pennsylvania Press. Journal of Historical Geography.
Salukvadze, J. & Sichinava, D., (2019). Changing Times, Persistent Inequalities? Patterns of Housing Infrastructure Development in the South Caucasus. In Tuvikene, T., Neugebauer, C. S. & Sgibnev, W. (Eds.), Post-Socialist Urban Infrastructures. Routledge.
Gogishvili, D., & Harris-Brandts, S. (2019). The social and spatial insularity of internally displaced persons:“neighbourhood effects” in Georgia’s collective centres. Caucasus Survey, 7(2), 134-156.
Harris-Brandts, S. (2018). Building Vacancies: Tourism and Empty Real Estate in Batumi. Urbanistica Tre Journal, 15, Special Issue: Cities of the South Caucasus. Roma Tre Press, 45-56.
Sichinava, D., & Salukvadze, J. (2016). Housing Inequalities and Migrant Remittances in the Capital Cities of the Post-Soviet Eurasia. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG) San-Francisco, CA.
Gentile, M., Salukvadze, J., & Gogishvili, D. (2015). Newbuild gentrification, teleurbanization and urban growth: placing the cities of the post-Communist South in the gentrification debate. Geografie, 120(2), 134-163.
Sichinava, D. (2015). Housing Inequalities in the South Caucasus - Cases of Yerevan and Tbilisi. Presented at the 6th International Urban Geographies of Post-Communist States Conference (CAT), Prague, Czechia.