Interconnections between Displacement and Urbanism
Over the past few decades, conflict-induced displacement has become both increasingly urban and protracted. This has led to a wide range of impacts on the built environment, sometimes in unexpected ways, such as coming up against cultural heritage designations.
Our work on displacement and urbanism includes the following:
Full list of research
Urban (In)Flux: The Impact of Russian Emigres, Alliances, and Legacies on Urban Processes and Space in Tbilisi
“Tbilisi transformed”
Institute for Russian, European, and Eurasian Studies (IREES) at the University of South Florida,
Tampa, Florida, 16 November 2023
Harris-Brandts, S., & Sichinava, D. (2024). Re-conceptualizing the social, environmental, and political hazards associated with displacement in the Republic of Georgia. In Gaillard, J.C., Rodriguez Alarcón, M., Ocampo Go, C. (Eds.) Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Natural Hazard Science: On Cultural Perspectives. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Harris-Brandts, S. (2024). Rapid Response Housing for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Ukraine. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 30(1). Special issue: The Reverberating Effects of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, 44-51.
Harris-Brandts, S., Nikolko, M., Sahadeo, J. & Sichinava, D. (2024). Local Impacts, Global Consequences: Assessing the Mass Displacement and Migration Tied to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine. Canadian Foreign Policy Journal, 30(1). Special issue: The Reverberating Effects of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine, 1-10.
Harris-Brandts, S. & Goci, E. (2023). Formalising Tirana. OnSite Review, 43 (Architecture + Time), 32-37.
Harris-Brandts, S., & Sichinava, D. (2023). Re-conceptualizing the social, environmental, and political hazards associated with displacement in the Republic of Georgia. In Gaillard, J.C., Rodriguez Alarcón, M., Ocampo Go, C. (Eds.) Oxford Research Encyclopaedia of Natural Hazard Science: On Cultural Perspectives. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Harris-Brandts, S., & Sichinava, D. (2021). The Politics of Urban Recovery in a Soviet-era Resort Town: Heritage Tourism and Displaced Communities in Tskaltubo, Georgia. In Al-Harithy, H. (Ed.) Urban Recovery: Intersecting Displacement with Post War Reconstruction. 271-294. London: Routledge.
Gogishvili, D., & Harris-Brandts, S. (2019). The social and spatial insularity of internally displaced persons:“neighbourhood effects” in Georgia’s collective centres. Caucasus Survey, 7(2), 134-156.
Pasquinelli, C., Koukoufikis, G., & Gogishvili, D. (2019). Beyond eventification: capacity building in post-disaster temporariness. Journal of Place Management and Development.
Salukvadze, J.,Sichinava, D., & Gogishvili, D. (2015). Socio-economic and Spatial Factors of Alienation and Segregation of Internally Displaced Persons in the Cities of Georgia. Spatial Inequality and Cohesion: Studia Regionalia, 38, 45–60.
Harris-Brandts, S. (2015) The Humanitarian Architect: Notes on Ethical Engagement. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) Annual Meeting: The Expanding Periphery. Toronto, Canada.
Gogishvili, D. (2015). Urban dimensions of internal displacement in Georgia: The Phenomenon and the Emerging Housing Policy. Available at SSRN 2591291.
Salukvadze, J., Gachechiladze, R., Gogishvili, D., Sichinava, D., Javashvili, A., Tugushi, K., & Bregvadze, M. (2013). Coping with marginality and exclusion: can refugees communities successfully integrate into mainstream urban societies in Georgia. Tbilisi, Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Social & Political Studies.